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3 Great Opportunities for 3 Highly Motivated People

3 Great Opportunities for 3 Highly Motivated People

Jeanette Edwards23 Apr - 13:53
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Hon Secretary, Social Media Manager & Webmaster

As the season draws to an end, and due to the impending retirement of Jeanette and Graham from the Hon Secretary, Webmaster, and Social Media Manager roles respectively, we are currently recruiting.

Holt RFC is seeking candidates to apply for the 3 vacancies, as detailed in the attached documents.

Our community club relies heavily on volunteers to help with the smooth running of the club in a variety of roles. If you would like to get more involved in the running of your rugby club, we would be delighted to hear from you.

We know that for some, getting involved will be a big commitment, and some volunteers will be able to offer more than others, however we really do hope you will take a short time to read the overview of each of the 3 roles, one may catch your eye.

For all volunteer roles, we will work with you to ensure you are comfortable with the tasks taken on, and share knowledge and experience to help you, as you help us.

If you'd like to apply, would like more information or perhaps know someone you think would be interested, please do get in touch for a chat - we would really love to hear from you!

For more details please contact Rob - or call 07768 642230.


Vacancy: Hon Secretary


Vacancy: Social Media Manager


Vacancy: Webmaster

Further reading