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The Friday Club week eight!

The Friday Club week eight!

Jeanette Edwards24 Apr - 16:04
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10-12 on Friday and Saturday this week !!

Thanks to everyone who helped last Friday with the general tidy.

This Friday 26th 10-12 we'll be setting up the tables & chairs etc for the Annual Club Dinner that evening; Many hands make lighter work!

Also - this is a heads up that we've got an extra club request next week as a result. If any one is available at 10 am on the Saturday 27th to help clear these away, in readiness for the afternoon Senior Cup match, that will be great!

As always, there is no weekly commitment necessary - just come along with your smile, if you can spare the time, do your bit for club volunteering, and enjoy the chat, cuppa and cake/biscuits while you're at it!

It's week 8 of The Friday Club already!

Many thanks - Simon ?

Further reading