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Quiz night success!

Quiz night success!

Jeanette Edwards29 Mar - 01:05
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Over £1500 raised on the raffle!

Thank you to all the businesses who once again supported our annual quiz night with generously donated raffle prizes. We really do appreciate your support. Congratulations to everyone who won one of the 30 on offer!
Thank you to Mitch's Under 15 lads and parents for helping so efficiently & politely waiting on everyone at the tables - you were brilliant.
Thanks to Simon & The Friday Club for setting up the tables & chairs yesterday, who'll be returning at 9am (good grief in 7 hrs time!) to help clear away and set up for Saturdays full day of games.
Thanks to Alistair & his bar staff as always great.
Thanks to Johno & Laura - the food was just perfect - & we love Papworth sausages!
Thanks to Ali G as quiz master for guiding us through the evening, flexing the rules as he went!
But most of all thanks to all of those of you who supported the quiz by coming along with an abundance of humour, patience & brains, helping make it a success.
It was very close at the top between 5 teams with Sam's the "Torpedos" and Simon's the "Dyslexic Brians" just missing out on prizes.
Pictured above is the 3rd placed team "Must beat Woodrow" - with 1st XV captain TJ and 1st XV Manager Martyn. They won a lovely hamper of Kelling Estate honey and 6 Easter eggs.
In 2nd place, congratulations went to Chairman Rob's "Easter Eggheads" winning 6 bottles of wine.
1st place was won again by the reigning champions "Princess Azalea's Cat" - David & his team won 6 bottles Prosecco courtesy of Bakers & Larners, and a pre- match lunch next season for 8 people valued @ £240.

Remember this is an annual event which is held each year on Maundy Thursday, the Thursday before the Easter weekend. Please keep the date free in your diary to come and join us next year! We can probably fit a max of 26 teams in but it would be a very tight squeeze.

Thanks and Happy Easter to you all and hope you enjoy the magnificent day of rugby at the club this Saturday with the touring Kettering Y&M sides in the morning and Loughborough vets in the afternoon. It could get messy!

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